Hello Wallonia! Crelan 3x3 Masters to hold 4 manches in Wallonia for the first time ever

In 2021, for the first time ever, the Crelan 3×3 Masters will cross the lingual border. For many years, the Crelan 3×3 Masters were only held in Flanders and Brussels, but starting this year, that fact will be changed!

After more than a year in the grip of Covid-19, it is now more than ever time to go outside and play ball! We’re very excited to announce that there will be 9 manches in July and just like in the past years, the best teams will qualify for the finals at the Groenplaats in Antwerp at July 25th.

As the current calendar shows, there will be 5 events in Flanders and 4 events in Wallonia. Regarding Wallonia, we are glad to announce that the Crelan 3×3 Masters will be held in Spa, Neufchâteu, Charleroi & Andenne. We have no doubt that we are going to encounter some great talent. Make sure you follow us on our socials to never miss any updates about the Crelan 3×3 Masters 2021.

Let’s get ready for another awesome edition of the Crelan 3×3 Masters!



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